As a shop, D'Butler experience is one of a online shopping platform. As soon as you log in, you will see the shoppers screen with all of the best offers displayed in front of you. You will also see recommendations and ultimately be able to use the search option to find the product you need.

After you have found the right product with the best price, it is time to see if the supplier is providing the terms that suit you. Check the minimum order, payment terms and shipping times. And when everything fits, proceed to checkout.

Order History
The benefit of having everything online is you can all of the information displayed right in front of you all the time. Keep track of your previous orders, see if you have orders pending and go back as much as you want to see how things have progressed.

Special Offers
The suppliers will fight for your attention and special offers are the best way to take advantage of that. You will see multiple products displayed with discontinued prices, and you can navigate through them by featured or new deals, or shop for deals in certain categories.